
Membership of the Metamorphic Association is open to people who wish to be part of a mutual support network for those practising and teaching the Metamorphic Technique®. Being a member is also an opportunity to be involved in a collective enquiry into the nature of transformation.


There are six categories of membership:




Who is it for?

People wishing to support, receive news and keep in touch with the Association.


What is expected of me?

It is not necessary to have attended a Metamorphic Technique® workshop in order to become a Friend of the Metamorphic Association.


What are the benefits?

  • You will receive Newsletters from the Association and be kept informed about how we are progressing in caring for this network and for the essence of Metamorphic Technique®.  
  • You will also receive an invitation to join our International Annual Gathering; a wonderful event where Members from around the world come together for a long weekend to meet each other and further explore Metamorphic Technique® .



Who is it for?

People who have attended a Metamorphic Technique® workshop and wish to practise the Technique informally; this may include practising with family and friends, or building up practical experience with a view to working towards Practitioner Membership.


What is expected of me?

You should have attended at least one workshop with a Practitioner Teacher, Apprentice Teacher or Teacher Member of the Association.


What are the benefits?

You will receive:

  • the Association's yearly programme, which gives listings of practitioner and teacher members;
  • the quarterly Metamorphic newsletter; Metanetwork, which includes a list of all Associate, Practitioner and Teacher Members - so that they can contact each other to exchange sessions, share experiences, and organise local get-togethers if they wish;
  • access to the members' area on the Association's website which includes facilities for sharing ideas, news and experiences with the whole membership online.



Who is it for?

People wishing to be in a position to practise the Metamorphic Technique® in a professional relationship with the Public. 


What is expected of me?

You should have attended at least two workshops with a full teacher member of the Association, or one with an apprentice teacher member and one with a full teacher member, with an appropriate period of practical experience between the two workshops.  While the degree of practical experience required is not fixed, as a guideline, the minimum expected would be 50 sessions given to at least 10 different people (which can include family and friends), and 20 sessions received, over a 6-12 month period.


Practitioner Members are encouraged to be actively giving and receiving sessions on an ongoing basis and in so doing are required to comply with the Association’s Code of Practice and Professionalism & Ethics.


Not all Practitioners choose to work with the Public, however those who do offer sessions to the Public on a professional basis are required to participate in the Association's Continuing Education Programme on a yearly basis.


What are the benefits? 

  • Entry on the Metamorphic Association's official Register of Members on our website, so that clients can be referred to you and enquirers can contact you directly
  • Access to a mutual support and professional development network for Practitioners
  • Listings of all other members so that you can contact each other to exchange sessions, share experiences, and organise local get-togethers if you wish
  • Access to Newsletters, Publications and Member's Page on the Association's website
  • The legal and exclusive right to use the official Trademarked name 'Metamorphic Technique® ' when working professionally with the general public

Once you have been a registered Practitioner Member for at least one year you can apply for attendance on the Practitioner Teacher Training course.


Who is it for?

Those who have been registered Practitioner Members for at least one year and who want to begin teaching recognised Introductory Metamorphic Technique® workshops for the general public.


What is expected of me?

To apply for Practitioner Teacher Membership you should have attended a Practitioner Teacher Training Course and one of the required Continuing Education Seminars for Teachers.


Practitioner Teachers are encouraged to be actively giving and receiving sessions on an ongoing basis and in so doing are required to comply with the Association’s Code of Practice and Professionalism & Ethics.


What are the benefits?

  • Your workshops will be officially recognised.  Participants attending your workshops will be able to apply for Associate Membership of the Metamorphic Association
  • You will be provided with a Practitioner Teacher's  Pack of official documents for your workshop
  • Access to a mutual support and professional development network for Teaching Members
  • Access to Newsletters, Publications and Teachers Page on the Association's website
  • In order to help promote your workshops your Teacher Profile will be published on the Metamorphic Association website
  • Entry on the Association's official Register of Members on our website so that clients can be referred to you and enquirers can contact you directly for sessions or to attend your workshops
  • Publication of your workshops on the website Events page
  • Publication of your workshops on the Association's Facebook page
  • The legal and exclusive right to use the official Trademarked name 'Metamorphic Technique®' when working professionally with the general public

After at least two years of experience as a Practitioner Teacher you can apply for the full Teacher Training Course.




Who is it for?

Those who have been Practitioner Teacher Members for at least two years and who have attended a full Teacher Training Course.


Those who wish to apply, but have attended the Teaching Training more than three years ago, can ask what more is required.


What is expected of me?

To apply for an Apprentice Teacher Membership it will be necessary to participate in the Association's Continuing Education Programme.


Apprentice Teachers are also encouraged to be giving and receiving sessions and are required to comply with the Association's Code of Practice and Professionalism & Ethics.


What are the benefits?

  • Your workshops will be officially recognised as being part of the training requirements for Practitioner Membership and participants attending your workshops will be able to apply for Associate Membership.
  • You will be provided with Teacher's Pack of official documents for your workshops
  • Access to a mutual support and professional development network for Teachers
  • Access to Newsletters, Publications and Teachers Page on the Association's website
  • In order to help promote your workshops your Teaching Profile will be published on the Metamorphic Association website
  • Entry on the Association's official Register of Members on our website so that clients can be referred to you and enquirers can contact you directly for sessions or to attend your workshops
  • Publication of your workshops on the website Events page
  • Publication of your workshops on the Association's Facebook page
  • The legal and exclusive right to use the official Trademarked name 'Metamorphic Technique®' when working professionally with the general public 




Who is it for?

Apprentice Teacher Members who have fulfilled the Association's full Teacher Training requirements, who have given at least three talks/presentations and two 12 hour Basic Workshops over a one year period.


What is expected of me?

Applicants will be asked to submit a copy of their workshop plan plus ten feedback forms from their students along with their application.


To apply for a full Teacher Membership it will be necessary to participate in the Association's Continuing Education Programme on a yearly basis.


Teacher Members are also encouraged to be giving and receiving sessions and are required to comply with the Association's Code of Practice and Professionalism & Ethics.


What are the benefits?

  • Your workshops will be officially recognised by the Association. Participants attending your workshops will be able to apply for Associate and Practitioner Membership with the Metamorphic Association
  • You will be provided with a Teaching Pack official documents for your workshops
  • Access to a mutual support and professional development network for Teachers
  • Access to Newsletters, Publications and Teachers Page on the Association's website
  • In order to help promote your workshops your Teaching Profile will be published on the Metamorphic Association website
  • Entry on the Association's official Register of Practitioner Members on our website so that clients can be referred to you and enquirers can contact you directly for sessions or to attend your workshops
  • Publication of your workshops on the website Events page
  • Publication of your workshops on the Association's Facebook page
  • The legal and exclusive right to use the official Trademarked name 'Metamorphic Technique®' when working professionally with the general public.



Additional Information


Annual Membership Fees:

  • Friend £18
  • Associate £18
  • Practitioner £60
  • Practitioner Teacher £80
  • Apprentice Teacher £100
  • Teacher £120


Returning Practitioner Members


If you were previously a Practitioner Member of the Metamorphic Association within the last 2 years then it will be necessary to attend at least one Continued Education Event before working professionally again with the Public. 


If you have not been a Member of the Association for more than 2 years then it will be necessary to attend a refresher workshop before working professionally with the Public.  Please enquire at the office ( for further information on refresher workshops.



How to apply: Please use this printable application form. There are various payment options >>


Non-UK members

Applications are welcomed from people worldwide. While costs for servicing non-UK members are higher, fees are as per UK members, in recognition of the fact that some membership services may not fully meet the needs of non-UK members. Any non-UK members interested in helping to tailor services to their local country (e.g. through translating newsletters) will receive full support in doing so.