in-person and online
We offer two types of workshops and they can take place in-person or online. Only the Teaching Members listed on our website are authorised by the Metamorphic Association to offer and provide Certified Metamorphic Technique® workshops.
Our workshops are part of our education programme and are friendly and informative teaching environments. After coming to a workshop, you will receive a workshop manual and certificate as a record of your attendance.
After attending any of our workshops, you can join our community of members if you wish. If you want to work with Metamorphic Technique® in a professional capacity, then membership is essential as only our members can use our trademarked name to promote themselves professionally with the public.
Introductory Workshop:
These usually run for a few hours as we take you through the theory and practice of how to give a session and in the process, you will receive a session for yourself.
We cover some of the basic concepts, history and understandings that underpin the work. A great start to discovering Metamorphic Technique® and working on yourself and with friends & family, and your pets.
Full Workshop:
This is an in-depth workshop, suitable both as a first workshop as well as next level and will usually take place over 2 full days or 3 part days. We cover all of the Introductory Workshop material and more, at a broader and deeper level.
If you would like to offer the Metamorphic Technique® to the general public then you will need to attend at least 2 Full Workshops.
Please see membership information.